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How to Shampoo Your Hair After a Hair Transplant: Do’s and Don’ts

shampoo after hair transplant

You might be thinking, "When can I wash my hair normally after a hair transplant?" if you have had one. One of the most frequent queries following hair transplant surgery is this one! So the experts at SkinQure, one of the recognized clinics for hair transplant in Delhi clears queries regarding Shampooing After a Hair Transplant. The first three days after hair transplant surgery are critical for both the procedure's success and your recuperation. Healing and hair growth can be facilitated according to your surgeon's post-operative instructions.

Hair Doctor in Delhi advises to avoid getting your scalp wet within the first 24 to 48 hours, and to avoid itching, rubbing, or washing it. This has the potential to ruin all of the hard work by displacing the recently placed grafts.

Which Products Are Best to Use?

Hair transplant patients need to be concerned about Shampooing After Hair Transplant. Choose a baby shampoo that is gentle, odorless, and devoid of harsh ingredients. These products help avoid irritating the delicate hair follicles and are kind to the scalp. Reputable shampoos and conditioners with intense scents or other substances. It can damage the roots of transplanted hair and should not be used.

Step-by-Step guide for Shampooing After Hair Transplant

  1. Get the water ready:

    Wash your hair with lukewarm water. While cold water might not adequately cleanse the scalp, hot water might be too harsh on the delicate hair strands.

  2. Put on some shampoo:

    Before gently applying baby shampoo to your scalp, dilute a tiny amount with water in your fingers. Don't rub with your nails or in any other forceful manner. Instead, gently massage the scalp in a circular manner with your fingertips.

  3. Rinse Carefully:

    Use mild streams of warm water to rinse the shampoo away. Take care not to put the freshly transplanted grafts under direct water pressure. Let the water run over your scalp naturally instead.

  4. Pat Dry:

    Dry your hair with a gentle, sanitized towel. Avoid strong motions or rubbing as this may cause the transplanted hairs to come loose.

hair transplant results in delhi

Do’s after the hair transplant

The full development of new follicles and the initiation of new hair growth may take two to three months. Although waiting to see the results can be annoying, there are numerous things you can do to promote healing and recovery and guarantee a successful hair transplant.

Follow these excellent post-hair transplantation guidelines to guarantee healthy, thick growth in a few months:

  1. Maintain a clean and hydrated scalp:

    It helps heal and prevent dryness. Use a gentle shampoo and refrain from using hairspray, harsh chemicals, or other styling aids.

  2. Wash your hair gently:

    Showering after the transplant is acceptable, but you should avoid getting water on your head.

  3. Three days following your treatment, you can start washing your hair gently. However, avoid scrubbing or putting the water stream directly on your head.

  4. Treat the scalp and your grafts with care:

    To prevent harming the grafts and slowing the healing process, refrain from picking or scratching at your wounds. The scabs from the procedure will come off in a week.

  5. Avoid the sun:

    Following a transplant, your scalp will be more vulnerable to the sun's damaging rays. For the first week, it is advisable to stay out of the sun.

  6. Eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet:

    Your hair's development and maintenance depend on it. Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and foods high in protein.

  7. Drink plenty of water:

    Water consumption can assist you stay hydrated and aid in the healing process.

  8. Rest and sleep enough:

    Sleep and relaxation are critical to the healing process. After your transplant, make sure you receive enough sleep and rest.

  9. Have patience:

    The process of hair development is gradual. Be patient and let your hair grow and your wounds heal.

Don’ts after the hair transplant

You will receive detailed advice from hair doctors in Delhi on how to take care of your hair and grafts following your transplant.

Avoid these common mistakes after getting a hair transplant

The first week or more should be spent away from strong items that can irritate your scalp and harm the grafts. The incisions from the surgery must heal on your scalp.

  1. Do not use a hair dryer:

    For a few weeks, you should refrain from using a hair dryer or other heat-styling equipment. This gives the grafts time to fully take root and your scalp time to heal.

  2. Do not use colors:

    Avoid coloring your hair for a month following the operation. It would be advisable to get the surgeon's recommendations regarding coloring.

  3. Avoid hair accessories:

    Avoid using headbands, hair ties, and hats. Headbands and hats can compress the wounds and hinder the growth of hair. Do not wear these during the first week following surgery.

  4. Avoid alcohol and smoking:

    Avoid using nicotine products and smoking. Smoking and nicotine usage might raise the risk of problems and slow the healing process.


Precautions are crucial for getting the best results after Hair Transplant in Delhi. Follow our surgeon's instructions and the aforementioned dos and don'ts to guarantee a speedy recovery and hair that looks natural. Be patient and let your wounds and hair heal and develop. One of the most reputable hair transplant doctor, Dr. Jangid, is enthusiastic about assisting patients in regaining full, gorgeous heads of hair. Please feel free to reach out to the staff here if you have any queries or concerns regarding hair transplants.

How to choose the right shampoo for your hair?

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SkinQure Hair transplant clinic

Pankaj Patel

" I recently visited Dr. Jangid Clinic for a hair transplant procedure. Following his examination, he recommended the transplant, and I'm delighted to report that the procedure was successful. I'm extremely satisfied with the results. Dr. Jangid is a highly skilled doctor in Delhi, particularly renowned for his expertise in hair transplant, hair fall, and related issues. Not only is he proficient, but his staff also exhibit exceptional understanding and attentiveness, treating you with the care and support of a friend. I'm thoroughly pleased with the experience and wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Jangid for any hair-related concerns."
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